2006 and Before

7th Grade. Having a Great Year!
Mom was doing weird things while Dad was at Work. She would go outside to Burn Bank Statements after Shredding them. She would Forget me sometimes and The Bus garage had to call Dad at work so he could come and get me. This happened several times.
Mom Implicated my School and the Bus Garage of Sexual Abuse to me. She had Dad believing that I was Molested and Raped and Dad at this time was working long hours and was very tired, and Mom took advantage of this. Every Day, Mom would accuse the School or someone of hurting me. From Pulling my Hair, Biting me, Pinching me, And other Abuse. This happened almost daily.
Mom Blamed my Aunt's Adopted Daughter of Biting me, and when my Dad checked, the Teeth Marks did not match. Dad did not check my Mom's Mouth and her Dentures to see if they matched. The School had no idea of what Dad was asking about, Neither did the Bus garage.
Mom kept trying to Borrow Monies from the Neighbors. Why? Didn't Dad earn enough? Where was the Money Going? Dad asked Mom these very Questions and only got a Blank Stare. Towards the End of this Year, Dad went to work for an Architectural Company that had an Engineering Department. It was a Substantial Increase in pay (+$4.00/hr). He went there upon a request from a senior member from the Engineering Company where he worked prior. Dad realized this was a Stupid decision, but he wanted to help.
Mom accused Dad of Having Relations with the neighbors as well. Mom would wake Dad up in the middle of the night to Accuse him of the most remarkable things, Like having 2 Naked Women in the Basement, Paying a Crew to come into the House and place supports under the Kitchen floor, Placing a Product called "Terro" on her Female parts so Ants would bite her there, and even more...
Dad awoke one night to find Mom shoveing something in her Robe, when Dad asked what it was, she accused him of putting her Robe on Inside-Out.

6th Grade.

Mom was accusing the School and the Bus Driver for Abuse that I was receiving. Dad was at Work and knew only that he came home to a injured son and had no other information to work from. I had patches of Hair missing, Bite Marks, Bruises, and Scratches almost on a Daily Basis. I was Hungry alot. I had Acid Reflux (According to my Mom), and Also according to her, I was Lactose Intollerant. I was placed on Medicine for those issues.

Within this year, My Mom Told my Dad to get rid of all of his Hobbies. Dad took a few minutes to think and Asked her if she was prepared to get rid of Every Single Hobby that she had. Mom did not like that Idea and backed off of trying to get Dad from persueing his Hobbies. Dad Encouraged Mom to Persue Hobbies. Things to help her relax.

Mom was becoming less of a Caregiver. She started to Neglect the Daily Duties. Dad came home to Dishes, Cooking Dinner (Which meant with his Overtime days, he would get home late and I would be very hungry) and he had to do Laundry, Vacuum and whatever else that had not been done that week. Mom would want to go places on the weekends, but Dad was too Busy doing the Chores Mom did not do. Mom became Upset and Blamed dad for Atrocities that Dad did not have time to commit.

About this time, Mom was told by a Doctor to go see a Psychiatrist. Mom never did. Dad and her Doctor Convinced her to go see a Psycologist(?) who soon after told her to see a Psychiatrist and even gave her a card with a referral. Mom never did. She kept telling everyone that she would and never did. She Lied to my Dad once and told him that she did, and when Dad started to delve into it further, Mom became Mad and Stopped talking about it because she was lieing. 

This was the Lost Year Picture, but I have to remember what year this was from. (Dad)


(that date and age cannot be correct. My head was not round, it was oval)

This was actually a Wallet sized Picture that Dad had to Overscan.

5th Grade.

Dad received a shock this year. Seems the lead people at the HVAC/Plumbing (Engineering) Office bugged out and started their own company. Dad did not know what to do. He may have been Invited to join if he could have found the Place he was told to meet at. 

My Dad stopped me from seeing this Dentist that used Crude Tools to perform his Dentistry.

4th Grade.

This Year, Mom Accused Dad of Cheating on her. She called Dad's Office, and Dad Answered the Phone. (See Dad remained at work for the Lunch period to handle the phones while the receptionist did her errands) Mom Accused Dad of just Driving by her place of work with a Blonde Woman in the Car. Dad asked when that Happened, and Mom said not Five Minutes ago. Dad asked if it was possible to go from the West Side of Lansing to the East side of Lansing in less than Five Minutes. Of course the answer was 'No', but Mom kept up the Accusations and screaming loudly into the phone. Dad grew tired of the Verbal Assault and ended the Conversation until he got home.

At Home, Dad tried to help Mom make sence of the situation and found resistance at every turn. Mom was dead set that Dad drove by her workplace and then made it to his work (over 15 miles away) in less than 5 minutes. Come to find out, Mom did not see Dad, She was told by a Co-Worker that Dad had driven by, an Obviouse Lie to make trouble, And Mom believed it and did for a while. Mom is Gullible.

3rd Grade. Custom Picture. Cool.

Within this Year Mom would prepare me a plate at Events and Load it with Pepper and Other Foods that I did not like, then after i refused to eat the Food, She would Eat it after Cleaning her plate. I would go Hungry until Dad prepared me a plate. I ate everything that Dad put on my Plate because he knew what I liked, and that I did not like pepper caked on my food. Dad would Actually give-up his food if there was nothing left for me. Mom would Blame Dad for how She Fed me. She would tell everyone that's How Garry Wants Stephen to be Fed. Whenever she did a Bad thing, She Blamed my Dad.

My Mom seemed to be Starving for attention and would make my Dad into a Bad Person just to get it, and she would Hurt me and blame others in order to get Attention. Did Mom see me as a Threat to her getting Attention? Was she Jelouse that Dad would pay so much attention to me?

2nd Grade and ready to work on the Farm.

1st Grade and looking good.

I'm 5yo and in Kidnergarten.

My Mom has me seeing a Dentist.

My Second Picture. I am a Ham.

My Baby Picture.

My Dad got a Job at a Local HVAC/Plumbing Design Company and started out at $7.20/hr. He enjoyed the work and the people.

Dad took Care of me Alone for the First 3 Months of my Life. Mom only Provided the Milk, and that was at Dad's request. He Changed me, Cleaned me, Fed me and even took me to my Doctor and Hospital Visits. It was at the 4th Month when he took the Job at the HVAC/Plumbing Design Company. Then it was Mom that Had to care for me. Every Weekend Mom would want to Run off with her friends rather than to be here for me. Dad had no problem Caring for me and still accomplishing the things he wanted to do durring the day. Baby Monitors are the Best!