Welcome My Website

I am glad that you came.

Come Sit with Me.

My Name is Stephen. I have a Combination of things going on with my life. I have been Diagnosed as SCI (Severely Cognitavely Impaired) With ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), I am Non-Verbal (But that does not mean that I cannot communicate using my own interpitation of Sign Language), but my Dad understands me.

I have severe mood swings from time to time, but my Dad quickly understands what is troubling me and helps me through it.

I have had some Set-Backs due to others Cruelty in the past, But again, My dad was there to help me recover.

To get to know me, Please feel free to explore my Site-BLOG.


(ps-My Dad needs to get Cracking on the Site Design.)

Dad has to also go through all of the paperwork to document the times that we Moved and other events that were critical to my life. He has some 'Homework' ahead of him.

I cannot tell you my History, But my Dad can. He's kept everything through the years. Mom Took a Lot though, and she don't share, even so dad can make a Copy.


Visitors notice

08/15/2012 19:49
Keep posted for Changes.


Website launched

08/15/2012 19:48
My website has been launched 15 August 2012
